Our Rights

It is our duty to question our government and hold our elected representatives accountable. As our government operates behind veils of secrecy we increasingly rely on a free press to inform us of the true nature of what is going on. Unfortunately, our representatives are more concerned about shielding the American people from their efforts than acting in our best interests. I will always fight to uphold our constitutional rights and ensure transparency in everything I do as your representative.

John Saulie-Rohman

2 min read

There is no doubt we are in unprecedented times. However, as we face controversy at home and

abroad, it is imperative we do not allow for the disintegration of the foundational rights upon which our

democracy was founded. Ensuring we maintain our ability to freely express ourselves, whether it be

political or otherwise, is a core tenet of expressing our views in America.

Following 9/11, the Patriot Act of 2001 was hastily introduced and passed six weeks following the events

of 9/11. It was passed nearly unanimously by the senate 98-1 and, 357-66 in the House. While the

language insists it provided them necessary tools to prevent further attacks, the reality is, this legislation

opened the doors for our government to spy on ordinary Americans with the legal authority monitor

phone and email communications, collect bank and credit records, and track anyone they see fit on the

internet. Fast forward to Dec. of 2023, via the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Section 702,

and the ability of the federal government to conduct domestic surveillance of our communications. And

Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez voted in favor to continue a policy clearly violating our right to privacy. 

Additionally, Marie voted in favor of recent legislation known as the “Anti Semitism Awareness Act” further infringing on our 1st amendment right, by adopting the broad definition of The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

Much to the disappointment of individuals who value their constitutional rights, our Freedom of Speech,

and Freedom of the Press, are increasingly under threat. There is no shortage of controversial issues to

be reported on by the press and others. Unfortunately, it has become commonplace, and seemingly

widely accepted, to have scientists, scholars, subject matter experts, journalists, and just about anyone

expressing dissent or questioning the prescribed narrative to be censored, “shadow banned”,

“de-platformed”, “de-monetized”, or summarily discredited.

This should be extremely alarming.

Our duty as citizens is to question everything, especially our policy makers. Our federal government

asserts that their efforts are wholly benevolent, intended to protect the citizenry from misinformation,

dis-information and maligned actors seeking to harm us. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

Far too often, anyone who is found to be questioning the carefully curated message delivered to us by

our elected officials and the establishment media, risks consequences ranging from impacts to their

finances, careers, and even society as a whole.

We are now in the midst of an effort to suppress voices of reason, and the exchange of ideas, limiting

our ability to rightfully express our views because they may be found to be offensive by some

individuals. College campuses were once a bastion of free speech, fostering an environment where

students would be free to exchange ideas and participate in discussions or debates which may make

them feel uncomfortable as their views are rigorously tested. That is increasingly becoming a principle of

the past.

There are many angles to view this from, but in the end, it is essential we understand:

Free Speech captures the essence of a free and open society. It is vital we strive to preserve it.